Body Stress Release
Causes of Body Stress?

Emotional Stress
Nowadays the main factors of emotional stress include uncertainty about the future, financial worries, competition in the work place or disintegrating family relationships. Ongoing emotional stress factors also include anxiety, panic attacks, depression, anger, feelings of resentment and shock as a result of the sudden death of a loved one to name a few factors. All the above mentioned factors could also have physical effects such as tight jaw, a sore neck, shoulders and diaphragm(heartburn) or a defensive posture to protect against the onslaught of life’s stresses. The physical discomfort exacerbates the emotional stress and it becomes a vicious circle.
Chemical Stress
We are often subconsciously exposed to Chemical stress through the air we breathe, certain food additives, preservatives, insecticides, skin care products and cleaning products that are inhaled or come in contact with our skins.

Physical Stress
The body is designed to withstand a certain amount of physical forces like bumps, jerks and falls, but if the stress surpasses the body’s limit of adaptability, it gets stored in physical structures. Physical Stress can also be caused by bad posture, lifting heavy objects and motor vehicle accidents, even if there are no obvious injuries.