
Body Stress Release

Who Needs Body Stress Release

Body Stress Release is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, health condition or occupation. We are all subjected to the stress of daily life and tend to accumulate stored tension, which undermines the body’s self-healing ability.

Even babies may suffer from stress after a difficult pregnancy or birth.

Toddlers may also suffer from discomfort or pain, which may be a result of growth pain.

Everyone’s quality of life can improve by undergoing regular Body Stress Release sessions.


The Consultation

Visits to the Body Stress Release Practice

The practitioner will book three consultations over a period of two weeks. Body Stress Release is a process that needs to be activated in the body. During the first consultation, the practitioner will take a detailed case history. The fully clothed client leans on a specially designed bed while the practitioner gradually lowers it until the client is lying horizontally. This process is used to minimise movement that might cause unnecessary discomfort or pain. The bed’s design also accommodates physically disabled people.

Certain areas of the body may feel a bit sensitive at the beginning, but most people find the release relaxing. After performing some tests, the practitioner will apply gentle, but firm pressure to the affected area. In some cases, the release is rapid, but in other cases more consultations might be needed for the muscles to return to their relaxed state. The number of consultations depends on how deeply and for how long the stress has been stored.

After the release of tension, your practitioner will give you detailed feedback on his or her findings and suggest some posture changes and light exercises.

Maintenance Sessions

The main objective of Body Stress Release is to bring the body as close to optimal functioning as possible and to keep it there. Once the pain and discomfort are addressed, clients are highly motivated to continue with maintenance to prevent the reappearance of stiffness, discomfort and pain. The practitioner will give advice on maintaining the body’s relaxed state and preventing the accumulation of stress.

All the Symptoms are back. What now?

Fortunately, you do not have to start at the beginning. After several sessions, there may be a total relief of pain and discomfort for some time. As time goes by, some pain and discomfort might return because the body continues the process of releasing a deeper level of stored stress. As the muscles returns to their normal tone, the original cause of the problem might be uncovered. The return of discomfort and pain indicates that the body is ready to deal with it with the assistance of Body Stress Release.

Therefore, a client should not be despondent when old symptoms reappear. It is an indication that more stored tension should be attended to. The Body Stress Release technique is a gentle and highly effective technique, but the body needs time to respond to the process. It is not advisable to undergo more than one complementary health technique at a time. It will not speed up healing and will put extra stress on the body and cause confusion.


Body Stress Release is a complementary technique that very gently stimulates the body’s inherent healing process and is not in competition with the treatment of orthopaedic specialists, paediatricians, neurologists, cardiologists or any other specialist in South Africa. Clients on medication are always advised to continue with the prescribed medication and seek advice from the doctor who prescribed it. Body Stress Release practitioners are not permitted to diagnose any condition or prescribe medication. Body Stress Release practitioners also make referrals to doctors. If the practitioner finds something that hinders the healing process, he or she will suggest that the client seeks medical advice. This is done to put the client’s mind at ease and ensure that it is nothing but deeply locked-in tension that needs to be addressed.

Client Testimonials

What They Say

Marie-Louise: My dignity is restored

“After a number of severe falls, the right side of my body started experiencing spasms. I tried various things to straighten my back, but to no avail.

I was introduced to Body Stress Release, and after a few sessions, my body is 90% straight. I can now go shopping on my own again and push my own trolley.”

Stella: I can safely reverse again

“At the age of 86, I still enjoy driving around and shopping by myself. Sometimes it was difficult to find a parking space where I did not need to reverse to get out. I could not turn my neck anymore to reverse. Body Stress Release quickly addressed the problem and I can now safely reverse.”

Renate: My baby, my pleasure

“My first baby was a caesarian birth and she cried constantly for the first six weeks. My mom, who is a diligent Body Stress Release supporter, suggested the technique. I was so desperate that I phoned the practitioner immediately. My nightmare vanished after the first session and my baby is now an absolute bundle of joy.”

Jess: The end of my speech problem

“A friend recommended Body Stress Release for my backache. I have stuttered all my life, so I once again stuttered as I told my story to the practitioner. She completed the necessary assessment and told me that my jaw was very tense. She did not only work on my back, but also on my jaw. At home, my husband noticed that I was not stuttering anymore and I have been stutter-free ever since. What a bonus!”

Body Stress Release

Unlocking tension – Restoring self-healing